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Calculated Columns in a database

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You can set a text, long text, formatted text, number or date column in a Kahootz Database to be a calculated column instead of a user having to enter values directly.
This means that the values in that column are calculated based on other values in the entry each time it is saved.
For example, adding up a set of other number columns or combining some text and displaying that value within the calculated column for you.

Your calculation can be a simple expression, such as adding or multiplying values, or it can contain code and logic.
You can also use a range of operators and functions within your calculation to obtain the required data.
More information about the operators and functions you can use is given below.

If you add or update a calculation on a column, the existing database entries will be updated in the background.
For a Database with many rows, this can take some time; calculations will also be updated when you add or change an entry.

A calculation column is added after initially creating a database by following these simple steps below.

1. Open the Database you want to add a calculated column, and under the "Actions" section, select "manage database" link.
2. Select the column and at the bottom of the page, under "other options" tick the checkbox for calculated as shown below.

3. Add an expression or code and click save; see the screenshot below.

* This would allow the following Database below to add all the hours from each weekday, totalling them into the last column.

Kahootz Tip: Adding val ( {{column}} ) ignores any blank columns within your Database.

Please see below for more details on formats, expressions & coding.

Basic Format

You can use the value of other columns in your calculation by putting the column name between {{ and }}.
A list of the available column names will be shown on the add / modify column page when you're adding calculations, and you can click on them to insert them into the calculation.

You can use round brackets () to make sure your calculation is evaluated in the order you expect - so ( 2 + 4 ) / 2 will do the addition first, then the division - giving 3.
Normal mathematical precedence will apply without the brackets, 2 + 4 / 2, so it will do 4 / 2 first, then + 2, giving 4. 

You can search and sort on calculated columns.

You can use one calculated column in another calculation. They are evaluated in column order, so if you want to use one calculation in another, ensure the first one is higher up the column order.

If there is an error from your code due to particular inputs for a row, the column will be set to blank.


Simple Expressions


Adding two number columns together: {{days on activity 1}} + {{days on activity 2}}

Multiplying two number columns together: {{cost per hour}} * {{total hours}}

Showing one number column as a percentage of another: {{hours spent on activity}} / {{total hours}} * 100

Showing that percentage as a whole number (no decimal places):
int( {{hours spent on activity}} / {{total hours}} * 100 )

Work out the number of days between two dates: daysBetween( {{start date}}, {{end date}} )


Numeric operators

You can use the following operators to combine numbers:


number1 + number2 

Example: To calculate the total number of days spent on activity1 and activity2:
{{days on activity1}} + {{days on activity2}}


number1 - number2 

Example: To calculate the cost after discount:
{{Original cost}} - {{discount}}


number1 * number2 

Example: To calculate the total cost of a number of items:
{{Cost per item}} * {{number of items}}


number1 / number2 

Example: To calculate the cost per hour:
{{Total cost}} / {{number of hours}}

Integer division

number1 \ number2 

How many times one number can be divided by another in whole numbers, ignoring the remainder.
eg:5 / 2 = 2.5 but 5 \ 2 = 2


number1 mod number2 

The remainder after dividing one number by another.
eg: 5 mod 2 = 1 (2*2=4, with 1 remaining)

Blank column/value

val ( {{column}} )

In all these operators, if a numeric column/value is blank it'll be treated as an error, to treat empty columns as 0.
Use this expression - please refer to the example/screenshot above.


Number Functions

You can use the following functions to manipulate numbers:

Absolute value

abs( number )

The absolute value of a number is the number without a sign, eg: abs(2) = 2 and abs(-2) = 2


round( number )

Gives the closest whole number, rounding up or down as nearest.
eg: round(1.1) = 1 and round(1.9) = 2
Halves will be rounded to the nearest even number to avoid bias
eg: round(1.5) = 2 and round(2.5) = 2 and round(3.5) = 4

Rounding up

ceiling( number )

Gives the closest whole number, always rounding up.
eg: ceiling(1.1) = 2 and ceiling(1.9) = 2

Rounding down

int( number )

Gives the closest whole number, always rounding down.
eg: int(1.1) = 1 and int(1.9) = 1


max( number1, number2 )

Return the maximum of number1 and number2. Only handles two numbers, not more.


min( number1, number2 )

Return the minimum of number1 and number2. Only handles two numbers, not more.


Text Operator

Joining text

test1 & text2 

Note that this does not use + which is for adding numbers. You will also need to put in spaces explicitly where wanted.
eg: {{first name}} & " " & {{surname}}

Text Functions

Comparing text

compare( text1, text2 )
compareNoCase( text1, text2 )

Performs a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison of two text columns.
Return a negative number if text1 is less than text2; returns 0 if text1 is equal to text2; returns a positive number if text1 is greater than text2.

Find position

find( text_to_find, text )
findNoCase( text_to_find, text )

Finds the first occurrence of a text_to_find in text. find is case sensitive, findNoCase is not.
Returns the position of text_to_find in text; or 0, if text_to_find is not in text

Insert at position

insert( text_to_insert, text, position )

Return text with text_to_insert inserted into text after character position. If position=0, it prefixes text_to_insert to text.
eg:insert(" My ","Hello Friend",5) returns "Hello My Friend"

Remove from position

removeChars( text, start_position, num_chars )

Return a text with num_chars removed starting at position start_position.
eg:removeChars("Hello Friend",5,7) returns "Hello"

Convert to lower case

lcase( text )

Return text converted to lower case.

Convert to upper case

ucase( text )

Return text converted to upper case.


reverse( text )

Return text in reverse order.
eg: reverse("kahootz") returns "ztoohak"

Length of text

len( text )

Return the length - how many characters - are in text. Includes spaces and other punctuation.

Characters from left

left( textnum_chars )

Return the leftmost num_chars characters of text. Counting includes spaces and other punctuation.

Characters from right

right( textnum_chars )

Return the rightmost num_chars characters of text. Counting includes spaces and other punctuation.

Characters from position

mid( text, start_positionnum_chars )

Return num_chars of characters from text starting at position mid("kahootz",3,4) returns "hoot"

Find and replace

replace( text, remove, insert [, scope] )
replaceNoCase( text, remove, insert [, scope] )

Return text with occurrences of remove replaced by insert. If the scope is "1" then just the first occurrence is replaced.
If the scope is "ALL" then all occurrences are replaced.
(Versions using Regular Expressions for very advanced use are available - ask support!)

Substring until

spanExcluding( text, characters_to_exclude )

Return characters from text, from the beginning until the first character in characters_to_exclude. The search is case sensitive, so if you want to stop at either A or a, then put both in characters_to_exclude.
eg: spanExcluding("kahootz.doc",".,/") returns "kahootz"

Substring until not

spanIncluding( text, characters_to_include )

Return characters from text, from the beginning until the first character that is NOT in characters_to_include. The search is case sensitive, so if you want to include both A and a, then put both in characters_to_include.
eg: spanIncluding("aardvark","aeiou") returns "aa"

Trim spaces

trim( text )

Return text with any leading and trailing spaces removed.

Trim leading spaces

ltrim( text )

Return text with any spaces at the beginning removed.

Trim trailing spaces

rtrim( text )

Return text with any spaces at the end removed.

Convert to number

val( text )

Return text converted to a number. Handles decimal places. Text that can't be returned to a number will cause an error, and thus a blank calculated column (but see conditional operator 'isNumeric() in the code section below)


Dates and Times

Date values in the following functions can either be taken from columns (of date, date and time, month and year, entry creation date / date-time or entry modify date / date-time types) or entered as explicit dates in the format yyyymmdd - eg 20170401 is 1st April 2017

Time values in the following functions can either be taken from columns (of date and time, time, entry creation date-time or entry modify date-time types) or entered as explicit times in the format hhmmss

To show a calculated value in a 'date' column the result must be a valid date, but you can use the other result formats in text or number columns.

Date Functions - returning a number

Day of Week

dayOfWeek( date )

Return a number for the day of the week of date in the range 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday)

Day Of Year

dayOfYear( date )

Return a number of the day of the year, in the range 1 (1st Jan) - 365  (31st Dec - or 366 in leap year)

Days in Month

daysInMonth( date )

Returns the number of days in the specified month (ie: 28, 29, 30 or 31)

Days In Year

daysInYear( date )

Return the number of days in the specified year (ie: 365 or 366 for leap years)

Parts of a Date / Time

year( date )
month( date )
day( date )
hour( time )
minute( time )

Return a number for the appropriate part of the specified date/time. Year is returned in four figures (2017); Month as 1-12; Day as 1-31; Hour in 24-hour notation as 0-23; Minute as 0-59

Days after

daysAfter( date1, date2 )

Return the number of days that date2 is after date1. If date2 is before date1, a negative number is returned.
If either is not a valid date, then empty text is returned.

Days between

daysBetween( date1, date2 )

Return the number of days between date1 and date2. It doesn't matter which date is earlier, and will always return a positive number. If either is not a valid date, then empty text is returned.

Date / Time Difference

dateDiff(datepart, date1, date2 )

Return the number of "units" by which date1 is less than date2. datepart should be one of the following strings

"yyyy": Years"q": Quarters (any 3 month period)"m": Months"d": Days"ww": Weeks"h": Hours"n": MinutesIf date2 is before date1, a negative number is returned. If either is not a valid date, then empty text is returned.

Date / Time Comparison

dateCompare( date1, date2 )

Return -1 if date1 is earlier than date2; Return 0 if date1 is the same as date2; Return 1 if date1 is later than date2; Accurate to the second if used with date-times or times.

Current Date

now ()

Uses the date the entry was last saved or updated of which can be used in various calculations, see below.

For example, you have a database using a "date" column and you want to return the total number of days the entries have been open/outstanding.
You can use this function to show the elapsed days between the created date and today's date by adding "now ()" to the calculation, as shown below.

Kahootz Tip: The example above will not update automatically, therefore, when you view the database the next day - the values will not have changed.
The calculation for "current date" uses the date of when the calculation was last saved/updated - (please remember this if you're going to use this value)

Date Functions - returning a date

Add to / Subtract from a date

dateAdd(datepart, number, date )

Return a new date by adding the specified number of units to date. datepart should be one of the following strings

"yyyy": Years"q": Quarters"m": Months"d": Days"w": Weekdays (Mon-Fri, skipping Sat and Sun. Simple addition, not aware of public holidays etc)"ww": Weeks"h": Hours"n": MinutesIf number is positive you'll get dates after date, ie: forwards in time.
To go backwards in time use a negative value for number.

Create Date

createDate( year, month, day )

Create a date from three numbers, eg: CreateDate(2017,2,14) represents 14th Feb 2017

Create Date - Time

createDateTime( year, month, day, hour, minute, second )

Create a date-time from six numbers, eg: CreateDateTime(2017,2,14,15,5,17) represents 14th Feb 2017 15:05:17 - just after 3pm


Comma-Separated Lists


ListFirst( {{column}}, delimiter )

Returns the first element in a list: This function will return the first element in a list delimited by the character specified in the expression.
For example: {{ column }} is a,b,c,d,e,f using the expression ListFirst( {{column}}, ',' ) will return a


ListLast( {{column}}, delimiter )

Returns the last element in a list: This function will return the last element in a list delimited by the character specified in the expression.
For example: {{ column }} is a,b,c,d,e,f using the expression ListLast( {{column}}, ',' ) will return f


ListRest( {{column}}, delimiter )

Returns all but the first element from a list: This function will return the list without the first element in the list as delimited by the character specified in the expression.
For example: {{ column }} is a,b,c,d,e,f using the expression ListRest( {{column}}, ',' ) will return b,c,d,e,f


ListGetAt( {{column}}, pos, delimiter )

Returns the element in the specified position from a list: This function will return a single element from the delimited list at a position specified in the expression.
For example: {{ column }} is a/b/c/d/e/f using the expression ListGetAt( {{column}}, 3, '/' ) will return c


ListFind( {{column}}, value, delimiter )

Returns the index of the list that is matched by the value supplied. If no match is found, 0 will be returned. For example {{ column }} is Orange,Apple,Banana using the expression ListFind( {{ column }}, 'Banana', ',') will return 3. As ListFind is case sensitive if the expression were ListFind( {{ column }}, 'banana', ','), the value returned would be 0.


If you are unsure of the case of the value use:
ListFindNoCase( {{column}}, value, delimiter )

Returns the index of the list that is matched by the value supplied whilst ignoring the case of the value and column. If no match is found, 0 will be returned.
For example {{ column }} is oRaNGe,aPPLe,BaNaNa using the expression ListFind( {{ column }}, 'banana', ',') will return 3


ListDeleteAt( {{column}}, position, delimiter )

Returns the list after removing the element specified with the position value.
For example: {{ column }} is hop,skip,run,jump, using the expression ListDeleteAt( {{column}}, 3, ',' )will returnhop,skip,jump`


ListAppend( {{column}}, value, delimiter )

Returns a list with a new value added to the end of the list.
For example: {{column}} is Hola/Bonjour/Salve, using the expression ListAppend( {{column}}, 'Hello', '/' ) would return the Hola/Bonjour/Salve/Hello


ListPrepend( {{column}}, value, delimter )

Returns a list with a new value added to the start of the list.
For example: {{column}} is Hola,Bonjour,Salve, using the expression ListPrepend( {{column}}, 'Hello', ',' ) would return the Hello,Hola,Bonjour,Salve


ListRemoveDuplicates( {{column}}, delimiter )

Returns a value where any duplicate values have been removed from the list. For example {{column}} is dog,cat,bird,dog,fish,rabbit, using the expression ListRemoveDuplicates( {{column}}, ',') would return dog,cat,bird,fish,rabbit.


ListSort( {{column}}, sortType, sortOrder, delimiter )

Returns a list where each element has been sorted. Options for sortType are: numeric and text. The options for sortOrder are: asc and desc. To sort a {{column}} whose value is 8,3,9,12,1,5,2 in ascending numerical order the expression would be ListSort( {{column}}, 'numeric', 'asc', ',' ) and the value would be 1,2,3,5,8,9,12


ListLen( {{column}}, delimiter )

Returns the number of elements in a list: This function will return the number of elements in a list as delimited by the character specified in the expression. For example: {{ column }} is a;b;c;d;e;f using the expression ListLen( {{column}}, ';' ) will return 6


PatternFind( {{column}}, mask, startPos)

Returns a value from the column that matches the pattern specified in the expression.
If a startPos is supplied, any characters before the startPos position will be ignored when matching for patterns.
Using this expression, it is possible to utilise pattern masks that behave like input masks used for sanitising user input into forms.
More information on Masks can be found at

A mask can form a series of characters to represent the characters matched by the pattern. PatternFind will only return the first match found, so if multiple possible matches are in a column, only the first match will be returned.

For example: Where {{column}} is abc1 def2 ghi3

The expression patternFind( {{column}}, 'AAAN', 1 ) attempts to match any string that has 3 mandatory letters followed by a number.
While each element in the column would match the pattern, the value abc1 would be returned from the function.

PatternFindPosition( {{column}}, mask, startPos) Returns the start position of a value from the column that matches the pattern specified in the expression.
If a startPos is supplied any characters before the startPos position will be ignored when matching for patterns.

Writing Code

You can also write code to make decisions, as well as simple expressions.

There is a range of tags and logical operators for this. You can also use variables in your code to store intermediate values.

When you write code, you must set a variable called calcResult, which will be displayed in the Database cell.

Kahootz Tip: when writing code, there is a maximum character limit of 50,000


<SET var_name = expression> - Set the variable var_name to the result of calculating expression.  

Kahootz Tip: Note that all variable names must begin with the string "var_".

Conditional Operators - return true or false, used in IF or ELSEIF conditions

The logical operators AND, OR and NOT are supported, returning true or false

 value1 EQ value2  - Test if value1 equals value2 - works on both numbers and text (case insensitive)

 value1 NEQ value2  - Test if value1 is not equal to value2- works on both numbers and text (case insensitive)

 number1 GT number2  - Test if number1 is greater than number2

 number1 GTE number2  - Test if number1 is greater than or equal to number2

 number1 LT number2  - Test if number1 is less than number2

 number1 LTE number2  - Test if number1 is less than or equal to number2

isNumeric( text ) - Test if text can be converted to a number - true if it can, false if it can't.
(eg: can be used to check if something is a valid number and explain the error if it can't rather than let the calculation fail and return blank.)

Using Conditions

<IF condition>

Executes CODE if the condition is true. The format of a condition block starts with <IF condition> and it requires an end marked </IF> .

<IF condition1>
 <ELSEIF condition2>
 <ELSEIF condition3>

This is an example of conditional branching, it executes one of the CODE blocks depending on which condition is true. If none of the conditions are true then the CODE following <ELSE> is executed (CODE4). You can have as many <elseif condition> blocks as you like, but only one <else>. Again the conditional IF statement must finish with the end marker </IF> .


<SET var_daysAfterTargetDate = daysAfter( {{delivery date}}, {{planned delivery date}} )>

<IF var_daysAfterTargetDate EQ "">  

<SET calcResult = "Bad date!"><ELSEIF var_daysAfterTargetDate LT 0>

<SET calcResult = "Early"><ELSEIF var_daysAfterTargetDate EQ 0>

<SET calcResult = "On time"><ELSE>

<SET calcResult = "Late"></IF>

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