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How-To Drag & Drop File Items from your Cloud Storage (Google Drive & Microsoft OneDrive) - Knowledgebase Articles / Functions of Kahootz / Documents - Software Support

How-To Drag & Drop File Items from your Cloud Storage (Google Drive & Microsoft OneDrive)

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This KB article will detail "how-to" add or upload file items directly from your Google or Microsoft Cloud Storage Drives

Kahootz Tip: You cannot do this directly from the online web interface, you can only drag and drop from file explorer via your devices.

The screenshots below "show" the online cloud/web interface of which you cannot drag & drop files from into Kahootz.



However, both Google and Microsoft have applications that you can install on your devices that allow you to access your files via explorer.

Select one of the "DRIVES" and then you can drag & drop the files directly across into Kahootz.

Open Kahootz to where you're going to add/upload the file too and select to either "create a new item or upload a new version" button.

Drag and drop your file into the dialog box shown above and press upload.

Once the upload has finished, the file is now accessible via Kahootz.

If you would like to review, download, or install the file explorer extensions onto your device, please refer to these links below...


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