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How do I record actions from a meeting? - Knowledgebase Articles / Functions of Kahootz / Calendars - Software Support

How do I record actions from a meeting?

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There are three ways to record actions from a meeting. This article will explain the different benefits of each approach.

Adding tasks to an event

If you have added an event for the meeting to a calendar in your workspace, you can record the actions by adding tasks to the event. This is handy when you have lots of actions, as it means you can keep track of the progress and it will also act as a follow-up tool. You can assign tasks to specific members and give them a due date. 

Unsure how to add a task to an event? Take a look at Adding comments, tasks or related items

Adding a task to a task list

If you haven’t added your meeting to a calendar, you can create a task list to store the actions. This means that all of your actions will be in one place.  This approach works well if the actions aren't specific to individual meetings, or will take several meeting cycles to complete. All the task benefits are included such as assigning to specific members and adding due dates.

Want to know how to add a task list? Look at Getting started with Tasks.

Using meeting outcomes in events

Using meeting outcomes is a very flexible way of recording information; you have the ability to put as much, or as little details in as you want.  For example, you can include what was discussed at the meeting, along with actions and further information, or you can just list the required actions.

  1. Find the event in your calendar and click on it.
  2. Click on the Modify icon.
  3. Expand the Event Information section, if necessary.
  4. Type in your information in the Outcome box.
  5. Click Save.


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