Permissions on surveys offer a range of flexibility and detailed control over what is displayed, who can see what and who can add to the survey.
In order to change the permissions of your survey click on Manage Survey > Modify Properties and Permissions.
This will provide you with a list of permissions that you can change.
You can set the following permissions for respondents:
- Who can answer - Choose whether members, the public or both groups can respond.
- How many times can people answer - Can people only save a single response or several separate responses?
- How are answers saved - Decide whether to create an anonymous survey or allow respondents to be identified.
The following permissions controls can also be changed:
- View - who can see that the survey exists and answer it.
- Modify - who can manage the survey, ie: change the settings and add / modify questions.
- Can respondents delete their own response whilst the survey is open? By default, this is not allowed, but you can enable it if you want to let users delete their responses.
- Can respondents delete their own response when the survey is closed? By default, this is not allowed, but you can enable it if you want to let users delete their responses after the survey has closed.
Permissions for surveys are not only found in the permissions section, but also in the Results section.
Summary results will consist of a bar chart of the results submitted in the survey. People's responses will provide a full list of the results submitted and the bar chart with the summary results.
- Who can see the summary results whilst the survey is open?
- Who can see other people's responses whilst the survey is open?
- Who can see the summary results after the survey has closed?
- Who can see other people's responses after the survey has closed?