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Survey Question Types - Knowledgebase Articles / Functions of Kahootz / Surveys - Software Support

Survey Question Types

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Surveys should go beyond asking for simple Yes/No answers.

You need to use various question types to ensure you get maximum insight from your stakeholders.

When creating a survey, you can choose from many different question types to get the required answers.

The options you can select from are:

  • Select One - Users choose one answer from a set of options.
  • Select Many - Users choose one or more answers from a set of options.
  • Score - Users give a numeric score to each option in a set of options.
  • Rating - Users rate each option in a set of options using a scale of your choosing.
    A common use for this is to rate on a scale from "Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree"
  • Text - Users type in an answer to a question that you ask.
    These are the types of answers: Text, Whole Number, Decimal Number, Date & Email Address
  • File - Users upload one or more files.
    You can set the minimum and maximum number of files people are allowed to upload.
  • Text/Image - Provide users with instructions, section headings or background information.
Tip: You use input masks to ensure the format of the answers are consistent. For more information, click here.
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