The list below details all the "type" of columns you can select from when creating a database.
| Text Text > Allows you to enter a small amount of "plain" text. Formatted Text > Allows you to enter a large amount of "formatted" text eg: characters, symbols etc. Email Address > Allows you to enter a valid email address, must contain @ and at least one "." in the domain. Number Number > Allows you to enter a numeric value. Date/Time Date > Allows you to enter a specific "date" into the field. Date and Time > Allows you to enter a specific "date and time" into the field. Time > Allows you to enter a specific "time" into the field. Month and Year > Allows you to enter a specific "month and year" into the field. List Select one from List > Create a list of options to pick from when adding an entry, the user can only select one. Select many from List > Create a list of options to pick from when adding an entry, the user can select multiple. * These columns allow you to colour code each value from the selection available, see this KB article for details.
Other User > Allows you to select a "user" from a drop-down menu containing all the members of the workspace. File > Allows users to attach files (files cannot be exported nor imported, only downloaded individually). Rating > Allows users to select a star (1-5) rating, Vote up/down or Like. Picture > Allows users to upload a picture to an entry URL / Web Address > Allows users to enter a website URL address (hyperlink) which can be clicked via the DB. Map > Allows users to enter a place or city which will display a link to Google Maps. Link to a Workspace Item > Allows users to link to another workspace item (hyperlink) which can be accessed. Linked Database > Lets you build links between entries in different databases, see this KB article for details. Evaluated > This column evaluates various other columns in the DB to display a value when the DB is refreshed. Automatic Entry ID > This populates the field with the row entry number, 1st entry = 1, 2nd entry = 2 and so. Entry Creator's Name > This populates the field with the "users name" when creating/adding an entry. Entry Creation Date > This populates the field with the "date" the user creates/adds an entry to the DB. Entry Modifier's Name > This populates the field with the "users name" when modifying/updating an entry. Entry Modify Date > This populates the field with the "date" the user modifies/edits an entry to the DB.
Calculated > This column displays calculated values based on data from other columns when the row is saved. * This column is hidden & can only be added after the initial DB has been created - please "click here" for details.
The maximum number of columns per Database is 100.
Kahootz Tip: you cannot change a column type after creating it using a specific field, eg: "text" but now require "number" as you only want to use digits instead.
You'll have to modify the existing database by "adding a new column" and selecting the new desired "type" field, click save.
Then you'll need to re-order the database columns along with copying any existing data from the old column to the new one.
Below is a list of the maximum character (c) limit for Database fields:
Text: up to 250c is the default, but you can enter a maximum length of up to 50,000c
Formatted Text: up to 50,000c (this is 50000 characters of HTML, not visible characters)
Email Address: Valid email up to 255c (ie. must contain @ and at least one ‘.’ in the domain)
Number: Any numeric value between -900000000000000000 and 900000000000000000.
Database owners can put their own range (within these limits) on numeric columns.
Select one from List: up to 255c for "each" selected value
Select many from List: up to 50,000c for "all" selected values
File: 20GB (maximum per each upload)
Picture: 512MB (max per each upload)
Link to a Workspace Item: 20
Linked Database: 500 per cell.
Calculated: 50,000 c