What you share with your fellow users on Kahootz is your data, not ours. If possible, we’ll answer your support tickets without the need to look at your data, so that you’re not exposing any personal or company information to us when you don’t need to. However, if a problem does require us to look at a specific workspace or specific items in it, we can do so without you sharing passwords or any security information. We will try to warn you if we need to look at data beforehand, time and urgency permitting.
What we can't do is change security permissions for you. We have no idea if an individual should be able to see a particular workspace or item, so the support team will not change anybody’s permissions or memberships - we’ll just tell you who to contact (site managers, workspace managers etc) to help with that. We’ll also try not to expose information that people can’t already see - responding to someone asking about joining the “Who do we sack?” workspace by telling them to contact the manager does imply that such a workspace exists.
We can't:
- Give membership of a workspace to a colleague - please invite them yourself, or if you don't have permission to do so, contact the workspace manager.
- Give you membership of a workspace or team - contact the workspace manager yourself.
- Change permissions on any content - please modify the permissions yourself, or if you don't have permission to do so, contact the workspace manager.
- Change your password - you can do this yourself, so we don't need to see your password.
Contact details for the Workspace Manager should be on the Workspace Homepage.
We can:
- Help workspace managers with how to do these things; though many are covered by Knowledgebase articles!
- Make permission changes requested by Site Owners - they're the only people who do have the authority to ask.