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Dashboard Items List (Full details for each Item/Feature) - Knowledgebase Articles / Functions of Kahootz / Dashboards - Software Support

Dashboard Items List (Full details for each Item/Feature)

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Dashboard items/widgets offer an effective way to engage users within your Kahootz workspaces.

The items you can add depend on the type of dashboard (My Dashboard or Workspace | Folder) you're configuring.

Here's a full list of items/widgets you can add to each dashboard in Kahootz, along with a brief explanation underneath.

My Dashboard "Configure/Add item" Menu.

Workspace & Folder Dashboard "Configure/Add item" Menu


As shown above, it shows the different items/widgets that can be added to each type of dashboard.
Below are all the widget/item types you can add, with a link (click on the item/widget name) for more details.


Items / Widget Names


> Text and Media


Icon Button

A button that links to an item in a workspace or a specific web URL address.

Image Button

An image that you can also link to a workspace item.

Text and Images

Block of text/images inserted into the page using our online editor.

Accordion / Carousel

Formatted information in collapsible sections/Formatted information in a slide format.


This allows you to enter "text" that will scroll across your dashboard so users can read.

Countdown Timer

A digital timer to countdown the remaining days, hours, minutes, and seconds to a specified date.

Video - Upload

This allows you to upload a video file showing a video player, with optional surrounding explanation text.

Video - Existing documents

Show a video from an existing document in the workspace.

Video - YouTube

Embed videos already hosted on YouTube.

Video - Vimeo

Embed videos already hosted on Vimeo.

Horizontal Line

A horizontal line to split up the page.

> Workspace Content


Recent Items

Shows a list of anything added or modified that you can define what item types are shown and select for all workspaces or just one.

Recent Activity

Shows a list of activities in your workspace which you can define what item types are shown and select for all workspaces or just one.


Lists all tasks from the current workspace.

Upcoming Events

List of any events from the current workspace or lists all the upcoming events across all your workspaces.


A grid showing the days of the month. If you have a calendar in a workspace, dates with events will be highlighted.

Workspace Photos

Shows a rotating carousel of images from a picture album in the workspace.

Tag Cloud

A tag cloud of all tags used in a workspace.

Workspace Information

Provides details about the workspace, who can see it, and how to contact the manager.

Workspace Members

Shows clickable thumbnails of the workspace members or managers.

Blog Articles

This allows you to show and link all or some of your blogs articles

Search Box

This allows you to search your workspace directly from this item/widget.

> My Content


My Workspaces

Lists all the workspaces you're a member of.

My Recent Items

Shows an ordered list of items you have added or changed.

My Recent Activity

Shows an ordered list of your most recent activity.

My Private Messages

A list of all private messages you have received in any of your roles.

My Locked Documents

Lists the documents in your workspace that you have locked. See our 'document locking' article.

My Document Reviews

Lists only the document review tasks allocated to or created by you.

Recommended Workspaces

Shows a list of recommending workspaces based upon "groups of interest" in your user profile.

Integration Items



Integrate information from other sites and sources, ask support if you need assistance.

RSS Feed

Pull information from other sites using a common format - for example, BBC News.

X (Twitter)

Embed a timeline to display tweets on your Dashboard.

A new “Call to Action” function exists on the dashboard icon and image buttons.

On dashboard buttons, in addition to linking the button to a specific item or URL.
You can now link the button to a function related to your chosen item.

The functions available are:

  • Answer the survey
  • View the responses
  • Add a new entry
  • Upload a new version
  • Upload a new picture
  • Create a new task
  • Create a new item
  • Upload a document
  • Add a new event
  • View all comments
  • Add a new article
  • Start a discussion

Tip: If you wish to apply these items to your 'dashboards' please refer to this KB article.

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